5 Marvelous Castles of the World

The word 'castle' evokes childhood memories in many of us when we used to listen breathlessly the stories of prince and princess and the adventures that evolved around marvelous and historical castles. If you have a look at some of the magnificent castles across the world, you cannot stop praising the artistic talent and creativity involved in them. A castle is often considered as a place of wonder and it is looked upon with admiration even today.
Let us have a look at some of the lovely picturesque castles around the world-

Caerlaverock Castle


Caerlaverock castle is a lovely triangular shaped castle located in Scotland which was built in the 13th century, which has now turned out to be a popular tourist attraction and wedding venue. This is one of the most romantic places and the name itself sounds picturesque, 'Caerlaverock' which means 'fort of the skylark'. The triangle shape of the castle makes it unique among other British castles and the whole castle is surrounded by an atmospheric green channel, adding to its beauty and creating a fairy tale effect. Once, decades ago there were two twin castles here-'old' Caerlaverock and 'new'Caerlaverock. People now visit the new one and the old castle which was built some 50 years prior to the new one has been mysteriously buried down in a forest, nearby.
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1: good article.
Posted by: aayilya - 12 Mar, 2012