6 Most Dangerous Countries to Travel

For most of us, vacations are a time to rest and relax while for others they're a chance to see some sights and experience interesting cultures around the world. Travelling can be thoroughly enjoyed only if it's turns out to be hassle free activity. Murder, Kidnapping, rape, terrorism, disease, accidents and theft cases are some of the worst travel tragedies one can come across. There are some countries and regions around the globe that are just best avoided.

6. Colombia

The danger of travelling to Colombia starts even before you land in this country because you never know when the domestic airline here would be hijacked! There are all possibilities of robbery, kidnapping and murder. The existence of paramilitary organizations, drug traffickers and armed guerrilla (FARC and ELN) pose a major threat to tourists. According to the U.S. State Department, there is a greater risk of being kidnapped in Colombia than in any other country in the world. Visiting Colombia is a pretty dangerous business; however the spectacular Andes Mountain ranges, gorgeous women and some breathtaking landscapes are some veritable reasons to travel to Colombia but hold on, you might just want to take a glance at your country's travel advisory before coming to a conclusion. Colombia supplies 75 percent of the worlds cocaine!
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Reader's comments(2)
1: All above given words are really true as i've been there for 3 years and been victim of robbery, steal. This country is rich in mining. If u want to move its ok in noon time but its really risky in nights.
Posted by: ABHISHEK OJHA - 14 Apr, 2012
2: The pictures speak everything! Colombia is famous for drugs.
Posted by: Ziana - 13 Apr, 2012