Creepiest Abandoned Prisons on Earth

Many prisons, that were once cages for people - some criminals, some political prisoners - lie abandoned around the world. Most of these have been left to putrefy and perish while a few others have been bulldozed. These places are no longer for the caged, they are dilapidated sites that are on the lands of urban explorers who document the abandonment and degradation of the former correctional institutions in picture.

The collapsing walls of these prisons are permeated in history; after all, political leaders who had fallen out of favor, killers and bank robbers were housed among them. Join us as we explore some of the creepiest infirm and forsaken prisons across the world.

Carcel de Carabanchel, Spain:

Carcel de Carabanchel

This wicked prison was known for its size- the panopticon style prison was one of the largest prisons in Europe. It's also known for the political prisoners who were locked up here. Carcel de Carabanchel was built using the slave labour of its prisoners who were locked up between 1940 and 1944.

Carcel de Carabanchel2

Most of the prisoners in Carcel de Carabanchel were political while General Francisco Franco was alive and reining Spain - leftist, democratic and communist figures. More regular criminals and others like Basque separatists were housed in the prison after Franco's reign ended. The prison was closed shut in 1988. There was a debate over what use it should be put to, ten years after I t was shut. It was finally decided that the prison would be broken down to make way for hospitals, apartments and government buildings.

Tuchthuis Prison, Belgium:

Belgium prison1

Once the biggest institution of its kind in Belgium, built in 1779, the Tuchthuis Prison in the town of Vilvoorde was used as a prison, a hospital and a military school during its lifetime. It was occupied by the German Forces in the Second World War. Graffiti and swastikas were scrawled on the walls, and family letters were to be found inside the cells.


In the 1950s, the authorities sealed all the cells up and the place was later deserted in the mid-70s, but since then plans have been put in feat to reinstate the structure and the cells have now been open.

Goli Otok Prison, Croatia:


Translating as "Barren Island" in Italian, Goli otok was part of former Yugoslavia. The desolated island, in 1949, was converted into a top secret prison that was used until 1956 to restrain political hostages under awfully harsh conditions.


The convicts were required to do hard labor outdoors, whatever the weather conditions - in temperatures ranging from sweltering hot in the summer to chilly cold in winter.

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