Lesser Known Man-Made Marvels of the World!

Everyone knows Machu Picchu, the Pyramids of Egypt and the Taj Mahal. But have you ever heard of Incan City or the complex of 52 pre-Angkorian temples so deep in the Cambodian jungle that it takes a local to guide you there? These breathtaking destinations hardly allure massive groups of westerners only because they are situated in remote locations. It's unfair that not all of the world's wonders get the attention they deserve. So we found a few marvels that are jaw dropping and hard for you to believe that they are hand crafted and so off the conventional path. We also guarantee that there are chances that you've never heard of them.

Sichuan, China: Leshan Giant Buddha -

Far out of sight and mind of most travelers (almost 1,400 miles west of Shanghai) lies the 233 - foot - tall Leshan Giant Buddha that took ninety years, almost the entire 8th century to be carved out of a mountainside in central China. The result of ninety years of brilliant craftsmanship stands as one of the largest Buddhas in the world. The statue's smallest toe is large enough to sit on at ease. The ears of the statue alone are more than 23 feet in length - which is like the height of a two-story building. The giant scale of this Buddha isn't the only thing that's impressive. The elaborate and detailed 1021 twisted hair buns on the head veil a complex drainage system that facilitates conserve the statue.


The Mount Emei area has huge spiritual importance as Buddhism in China was introduced here. Adventure junkies get up close to witness the Buddha's sheer size by steering across a steep 250-step zigzag path. The lazy ones can soak in the aura of the statue from a distance (and see the other figurines that are carved into the cliff) by opting for a boat ride as the statue sits where three rivers meet.
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Reader's comments(1)
1: Buddy, this is not Bara Imambara's photo. Go ahead, google it and put the correct photo.
Posted by: Amit Srivastava - 25 Nov, 2011