10 Most Expensive Holiday Destinations Across the Globe
Bangalore: The cost of living varies from city to city, as there are some destinations in the world which are most expensive to live in. A good number of people dream of having an exquisite travel site at their hands, regardless of culture, travel and even, expense. So with that here is ten of the most expensive travel-worth, must-go holiday destinations across the globe.
10 Stockholm - Sweden
Four-star hotel accommodation: $ 253.45
Taxi transportation average: $ 13.43
Typical cost of a pizza: $ 26.24
Normal cost of an alcoholic beverage: $ 18.52
The capital and the largest city of Sweden, Stockholm is a distinct city that is covered with architecture, parks, and clean open waters. This charm has earned this city the coveted title "Venice of the North." With over a hundred of museums stretched all over, Stockholm welcomes millions of tourists every year.
Tourist Attractions Places ( 1-5 of 10 )