10 Oldest Cities of the World

10. Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon is the capital city and largest city of Portugal, which holds many cultural heritage sites including renovated palaces, glorious churches and Art Nouveau buildings. Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, the National Coach Museum, and the Carmo Archaeological Museum are the three famous museums of the city which has a good collection of ancient and modern art.
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Reader's comments(4)
1: Title is certainly wrong. It is true that Jeruslem is one of the oldest cities apart from Rome.
Even one city from China is there. What about cities from Grece? Athens? Consider the times of Alexander and Asoka. Why not Patna, capital of Asoka? What happened to Hastinaput (Delhi)
Posted by: rkp - 03 Jul, 2012
2: I do agree!
Dev replied to: rkp post - 14 Jul, 2012
3: Title is certainly wrong. It is true that Jeruslem is one of the oldest cities apart from Rome.
Even one city from China is there. What about cities from Grece? Athens? Consider the times of Alexander and Asoka. Why not Patna, capital of Asoka? What happened to Hastinaput (Delhi)
Posted by: rkp - 03 Jul, 2012
4: oh....coool
Posted by: parvana - 29 Jun, 2012