11 Fastest Disappearing Islands

Bangalore: The rapid change in climate has led to the melting of sea ice and the ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctic. Besides, various other factors also lead to increase in sea level and warming of the earth. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the global sea level has risen since 1870 which has affected the low lying areas severely.
Majority of the population residing in the low lying areas, especially islands are migrating to higher areas or other countries. Have a look at the islands which are threatened by the rise of sea level.


#1 Seychelles
Seychelles, officially known as Republic of Seychelles is a 115 island country spanning an archipelago in the Indian Ocean, some 1500 kilometers east of mainland Africa, northeast of the island of Madagascar. It has an estimated population of 86, 525, the smallest population in the African state.
Seychelles consists of 115 granite and coral islands in the western Indian Ocean. Scuba diver Michael Espron says that tourism will be affected when there are no beaches left around the islands.
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