5 Controversial Monuments Arround The World
Christ of the Pacific, Peru: Monument was constructed and now stretches 37 meters high above Peru's capital. The statue has caused controversy in Peru, because it is seen as a government approval of Christianity, because its lighting system is deemed unsightly, and visually similar to the Christ the Redeemer statue in Brazil. This Statue came under the controversies. The statue with a height of 72 feet consists of a lighting system with 26 different colors those lights up the capital city's coastline at night.
Crazy Horse Memorial: The memorial consists of the mountain carving. Once completed the monument will be 641 feet in length and 563 feet in height with just the face of Crazy Horse, measuring 87.5 feet.Crazy Horse resisted being photographed and was deliberately buried where his grave would not be found. It portrays Crazy Horse, an Oglala Lakota warrior, riding a horse and pointing into the coldness. The memorial was made to order by Henry Standing Bear, a Lakota elder, to be sculpted by Korczak Ziolkowski. Ziolkowski imagined the monument as a metaphoric tribute to the spirit of Crazy Horse and Native Americans.
Second World War Monument to the Soviet Army, Bulgaria: The Second World War Monument to the Soviet Army constructed in 1954 to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Soviet 'liberation' of Nazi-allied Bulgaria. In the aftermath of Soviet victory in World War II, a propagation of monuments was straightened across the territories of the (newly-enlarged) USSR and across Eastern Europe. Tourists flocked in big numbers to find the bronzed, tarnished into icons like The Joker, Superman, Ronald McDonald, SantaClaus, and Captain America etc.

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