7 Pleasing Cruise Destinations Around the World
2. Fjords of Norway
Imagine cruising along a long, narrow inlet with steep sides or cliffs, created in a valley carved by glacial activity. Well if you find this intriguing then think Fjords of Norway. The scenery along the inlet is mind blowing, no amount of words will lever be able to justice to the scenic beauty of the place. Fjord is actually an islet with huge sharp cliffs and steep slopes. In Norway there are more than 1190 fjords. These are basically formed by year and years of glacial activity. The unique feature of the Norwegian Fjords is the discovery of coral reefs at the bottom of some of the fjords. Such a phenomenon is never seen normally in any fjord. Another interesting fact about this place is that there is a thick layer of fresh water on top of the salt water which enabled fresh water fish also to survive the same water as salt water fish.
These are reason enough to jump onto the next cruise headed to Fjords of Norway and take in the pretty sites of the long and narrow inlets.

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