Top 5 Countries in World having Delicious Cuisine for Foodies - SiliconIndia

Bangalore: There is a famous quote "Civilization as it is known today could not have evolved, nor can it survive, without an adequate food supply." Of course who does not like good, sweet, savory, mouthwatering cuisines? The following list is for some real hungry people who likes some spicy, meaty, classic the list goes on and on.

1: Thailand


Thailand, especially Bangkok you will come across all kinds of food, from world renowned dishes, to pizzas, steaks and varieties of curries to pick from. If you are looking for fast and healthy food to be served at a bargaining price, then this surely your place to visit. Be ready to be confused on Thai assortment.
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Reader's comments(5)
1: where is India???
Posted by: suman - 28 Jun, 2014
2: Siliconindia should give the guy who compiled this list - a free trip to India where he will need an entire lifetime to discover the distinct cuisines specific to the hundreds of communities here across so many Indian states/culture/languages! Along with these nations in the list, India- as usual not included by the biased world - is actually, the Ultimate Foodie Paradise! Period.
Posted by: aryaan c paramasivam - 19 May, 2012
3: Crap - It has to be in this order:

1. India
2. Thailand
3. Pakistan
4. Turkey
5. France
Dipanjan replied to: aryaan c paramasivam post - 23 May, 2012
4: delicious!!!
Posted by: anoop - 16 May, 2012
5: Yes, totally agreed with Mr. a.c.Paramsivam, the order may be
3-Sri Lanka
Siliconindia should be unbias in reporting the information, the readers views and cross checking is necessary.
Gandhidas Lavekar replied to: anoop post - 27 Jun, 2014