Heavy rain alert for Uttarakhand

Lucknow/Dehradun, An alert has been sounded in Uttarakhand after incessant rains in many parts of the state for the last 48 hours, officials said Tuesday.

The hill state is likely to experience very heavy rainfall Wednesday, the Met Office said. District administration in "rain prone" areas has been asked to step up vigil.

In view of the unprecedented rains and flash floods in June 2013, the state government has made special arrangements in the Badrinath, Kedarnath and Gangotri regions, state officials told IANS.

Minor landslides were reported Sunday and Monday after which traffic was held up on several arterial roads and highways in the state.

Landslides were also reported from Netalaa, Lambgaon, Uttarkashi and Chorangikhal, an official said, adding that the Kedarnath Yatra, which was heavily affected by the flash floods last year, killing thousands, has not been disrupted.

"As a caution however we have alerted teams in that area," an official of the state disaster management centre said.

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