Least Religious Countries of the World

United Nation's first ever World Happiness Report recently came up with the list of happiest countries of the world and surprisingly three countries which topped the list have made it to the list of least religious countries of the world as well. Does a nation without religion bring in happiness and development? Read on to know the countries where religion does not play a major role in the lives of people-

5. Czech Republic-21 percent

The residents of Czech Republic believe in some kind of spirit or life force, but when it comes to religion and God they turn their head.21 percent of the population accept the concept of religion and the rest of the people follow a different kind of belief; according to them fortune tellers can predict the future and lucky charms, stars etc influence their lives in one way or the other. In Azerbaijan and Hong Kong also the rate of religious people is just 21 percent.
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Reader's comments(6)
1: Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. Steven Weinberg

Go Estonia
Posted by: Mihkel - 22 Mar, 2013
2: Norway is on its way to becoming Norwaistan
Posted by: abdul - 05 Jun, 2012
3: The happiness will end with in another five to ten years, due to no relegious practice in the country, the human beings forgetting thier creater is a big sin.
Posted by: Hameed - 03 Jun, 2012
4: Religion was required when there weren't modern institutions such as human rights, constitution, impartial courts etc. Justice in afterlife was a comforting thought. Stephen Hawking has shown that we can get here from the Big Bang by just applying simple law of physics without a God.
Nasir Jawed replied to: Hameed post - 13 Jun, 2012
5: The happiness will end with in another five to ten years, due to no relegious practice in the country, the human beings forgetting thier creater is a big sin.
Posted by: Hameed - 03 Jun, 2012
6: Religion is a sign of isolation among people put religion on the backseat, religion is a outdated Idea that had failed at present
Humanwatch replied to: Hameed post - 03 Jun, 2012