Most Beautiful Bridges in the World

Forth Rail Bridge

Forth Bridge, the world's first major steel bridge is situated in Scotland and is also called Forth Rail Bridge or Forth Railway Bridge. It is ''the one immediately and internationally recognised Scottish landmark'' and even today the bridge is considered as an engineering marvel. Its construction which started in the year 1883 was completed in 1890.
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Reader's comments(4)
1: superb...
awsm bridge...really world's most beautiful bridge..
Posted by: AMIT - 11 Aug, 2012
2: Really a nice feature about bridges...interesting...
Posted by: Sugathan - 11 Aug, 2012
3: wow....all these bridges are very beautiful...
Posted by: malavika - 10 Aug, 2012
4: It was most exciting to view these beautiful bridges . It was like an unforgettable dream . Thanks for the valuable information given on these architectural monuments.
Kishan Singh replied to: malavika post - 11 Aug, 2012