Most Violent Cities in the World

Violence occurs in every part of the country; but there are some cities which are renowned for violence and where people find it hard to lead a normal life. Here is a list of the 5 most violent cities in the world as reported by Sarah Rasheed of American Live Wire-

5. Beirut, Lebanon


Beirut, earlier known as the Paris of the Middle East is the capital and largest city of Lebanon. The Lebanese Civil War which broke out in the year 1975 is one of the most devastating incidents, in which more than 60,000 people died in the first two years of the war (1975-1976), and much of the city was destroyed. Lebanon war with Israel in 2006 was another major war which shook the whole city and country.
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Reader's comments(1)
1: how people are living in these cities.....
Posted by: tajudhin - 24 Aug, 2012