Remarkably Old Architecture Design in India

Mahajanapadas or Post Vedic Period architecture

The 1500 BC to 200 Promotion, Post Vedic Period structural architecture by and large involves Hindu sanctuary building architecture, Buddhist construction, architecture, Udayagiri and Khandagiri architecture, and Indian rock-cut architecture. Considered as the most stunning architecture of this period, the Buddhist stupid was used in India as a commemorative monument related to storing sacred relics.

Wooden structural architecture was well known and rock cut building design is prominent in Post Vedic Period architecture. Sanctuaries expand on circular, round, quadrilateral or apsidal arrangements were built utilizing block and timber. Hollow sanctuaries got to be noticeable all through western India, fusing different gimmicks and material to offer ascent to buckle structural engineering in spots. The best illustration of the Post Vedic Period architecture is Ajanta and Ellora.
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