Tripadvisor's World City Survey: Overall, Tokyo on Top and Mumbai at the Bottom Amongst Top 37 Tourist Cities in the World
'Helpfulness of locals': Ranks above Dubai, London, Hongkong, Brussels, Marrakech
'Hotels' and 'Restaurants' : Mumbai scores an encouraging 7.67 and 8.06 respectively. It's great since the scores are closer to those of the top cities - Dubai has scored 9.06 in 'hotels' category and New York 9.04 in 'restaurants' category
'Nightlife': Scores a high 7.27. New York comes out on top with 9.08 average score.
'Friendliness of taxi drivers': It is just .2 points behind New York and ranks above Hongkong, Kuala Lumpur, Brussels, Beijing and Moscow.
'Value for money': The average score of the cities is between 8.39 to 5.09 and Mumbai scores a healthy 6.21, ranking above Sydney, London, Rio de Janerio and just a few points behind Paris and New York.
'Comfort while travelling alone': Mumbai scores only a 6.62 whereas Singapore, voted #1 in this category scores a 9.07.
'Shopping': Mumbai ranks #22 with 7.54 average score and is not too far away from #1 city Dubai which has scored 8.84.
'Culture': Scores a worthy 7.03, Rome is #1 with a score of 9.60.
'Cleanliness of the streets' and 'overall experience': Ranks at the bottom.
Other high ranking cities were Singapore which was number one for comfort traveling alone, and second for taxi service, cleanliness of streets, ease of getting around and family-friendliness; Rome, which topped the list of attractions/things to do and culture; and Dubai, first for shopping and hotels.

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