Viratnagar is situated on the Jaipur -Alwar state highway at a distance of about 75 Kms from Jaipur. It is in the vicinity of important and recognized tourist destinations such as Sariska (a Project Tiger sanctuary), Siliserh, Ajabgarh- Bhangarh and Alwar. There are some very unique and historical Venus at Viratnagar which have largely escaped tourist attention. These venues are not only of great historical importance but are also in a reasonably good state. They can be easily opened to the ever- increasing tourist traffic to the colorful state if Rajasthan. Being close to Jaipur, Alwar and Delhi they can also serve as a welcome break for the tourists already traveling on this circuit. A complex of rock shelter and natural cave shelters found in different hills of Viratnagar indicate the presence of prehistorical people from the beginning of early stone age up to late stone age. The city is said to have been founded by King Virat in whose kingdom the five pandavas spent the thirteen-year of their exile in disguise (Agyatwas). The place Viratnagar assumed a special significance during the period of Mahabharata. At a site known as Bhim Ki Dungari or Pandu's Hill a large cave exists here as the adobe of Bhim and several smaller rooms and the dwellings of his brothers, as also Kichak's palace. It was at Viratnagar that parleys were conducted to avoid the war, which later came to be known as Mahabharata -one of the most destructive war and yet fought within the best rules of kthe game. King Virat known for his velour and sagacity played as important role in the peace parleys which finally failed and the war brought about a total destruction of a great community. There are some very historical and important sites at Viratnagar, which need to be highlighted not only for the tourists but also for the local population and the casual visitors to Viratnagar.
Bairth the ancient viratnagar is now a small town in Rajasthan, 88 km. from jaipur, situated in 2712 East Longitude on Jaipur Alwar-Delhi highway. its population is 13169 (census 1991) it is the Head-quarters of the Tehsil as also of the panchayat samati-in the district of Jaipur. A complex of rock shelters and natural cave shelters found in different hills of viratnagar indicate the presence of prehistorically people from the beginning of early stone-age up to late stone-age.
Tourist Attractions Places ( 1-5 of 10 )