Can We Build 'Backup Cities' for These Places?

Wouldn't it be nice if just like everything else, we had a backup city - a whole city? An idea was proposed by a Japanese parliamentarian about wanting to build a "backup city" which would take over the working of Tokyo during a disaster. The idea was to have something like a spare battery for the nation to function. The integrated "spare city" would consist of office complexes, resort facilities, parks and even casinos and it would come up on a site that is currently occupied by the Osaka International Airport at Itami.

While we think it is a good idea, with disasters becoming common - both manmade and natural- we also think many more cities across the globe need a spare city in the wake of further damages happening through a catastrophe be it for tourism, business or housing. Here are a few cities that we think need to keep a spare city in hand, just in case!

New York:


The disputed "Financial Capital of the World" - New York - was considered a safe place to live in before the terror attacks of "9/11". Terrorism doesn't seem to be the only things jolting New York. Recent earthquakes, shifts of tectonic plates, and hurricanes are determined about ruining the beautiful city. We think a backup could be of lot of help for people wanting to spend their Christmas in the beautiful Central Park or have a romantic horse-ride that is signature to the city!



A tourist destination par excellence - Venice - is prone to floods, known as acque alte that have been part of Venice's winter for centuries. Their frequency of occurrence has increased spectacularly since the 20th century. Venice is in need of a spare city in order to keep the tourists flocking its attractions, considering the fact that tourism is the main source of income. A city that encompasses 118 islands linked by 400 bridges and partitioned into six large districts, three on each side of the Grand Canal holds major attractions like Piazzo San Marco, the Rialto Bridge and the Palazzo Ducale which are expected to submerge when the island of Venice is engulfed.



The fourth largest city in the world, over 20 million population, with all of this, Mumbai is also one of the top cities in the world vulnerable to population exposed to coastal floods, storms, earthquakes, and in the light of recent activities- terrorism. Most of the city is less than a meter above sea-level and most of its coast is left unguarded which can be good news for floods, hurricanes as well as terrorists. And with the city accounting for over forty percent of India's revenue, any hazard that strikes the city could take down the whole economy along with it!

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