Dadra and Nagar Haveli

Dadra and Nagar Haveli
Dadra and Haveli consist of two separate parts, Dadra of Gujrath and Nagar Haveli of Maharashtra and Gujrath. Green forest, rivers water fronts, streams and unimaginable variety of flora and fauna are the significance of this place.

Vanganga is a magnificent lake created with the centre of the city connected with a bridge created in Japanese style, located at the entrance of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. Hirwavan garden is another beautiful garden situated at the entry point at Silvassa. The centrally located garden is popular with the visiting.
The tribal museum of Dadra and Haveli displayed verity of tribal ornaments, hunting equipments etc. The famous historic temple of Lord Siva is located at Bindrabin worth a visit. November to March is the best time to visit this place.

Quick facts about Dadra and Nagar Haveli

Capital: Silvassa

Language: Gujarathi, Maharashtra


• National Parks
• Vangana Lake Garden
• Hirwavan garden
• Tribal museum
• Vanvihar
• Tapovan Tourist Complex
• Water sports centre

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