Do You Follow These Flight Etiquettes?

Bangalore: Have you had trouble on a flight due to bad behavior by your fellow passengers? It seems that less people realize that there are generally known and accepted rules that all people need to know and follow in order to make the trip comfortable for everyone who is on the plane trying to get somewhere.
Airline traveling can be a great experience if you can put some efforts to practice some basic etiquette. Here are some unwritten rules of air travel which may help you to enjoy a great flight. Check out these tips in general etiquette and courtesy that you need to follow if you want to be a good airplane passenger.

What's that smell!

Before boarding remember that you're about to sit in a tube with recycled air and 150 other people. They're probably not interested in your perfume/cologne for the next few hours. And also, please remember to bath or shower before your flight. Even a 55-minute flight can be uncomfortable if you smell like you just ran a 20K wearing a leather jacket.

Remember it's not a baby's day out!

Dealing with your children may turn out to be a great challenge during flight. Fellow passengers would love the company of children, when they sit quiet and be on their own. It's always advised to keep playing stuff for your children, a pocket video game, or a drawing sheet, or any toys, to keep them involved. And also, please keep your kids' feet and hands off the back of the seat in front of them. It's not that entertaining to have your seat kicked, punched and slapped for long three hours.

Beware of the rapid recliner.

The Rapid Recliner is the one which immediately leans back as soon as the wheels are off the ground. This creates a residual effect and soon everyone is falling back into each others laps. Do your backseat neighbor favor though, and wait just a few minutes before reclining. Before reclining, remember to check with the person sitting behind you.

Don't get drunk.

Don't get drunk during or before the flight. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, nobody wants to be around you when you're drunk, especially the stranger sitting next to you. Second, after a while, the flight attendants will cut you off. If you're hammered, you may do or say something you'll regret. Besides, it's illegal to be drunk in public. There are airlines which don't allow any passengers on board suspected of being over the limit on alcohol consumption.
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