States > Rajasthan
Top Destinations in Rajasthan

Explore These Forts and Their Stories

No trip to India is complete if you miss visiting forts that stand in all its glory reflecting the colourful past of India. Also known as the land of forts, the kings who ruled India in the yester years believed in the royal style of living and constructed numerous forts in India that dot the country, carrying legacies and stories of their rule. The forts in India are a phenomenal mix of various styles of architecture. So here are a few forts that should not be missed for the stories, grandeur and its solace on the beholder's eyes.

Mehrangarh Fort:

Explore These Forts and Their Stories

Standing a hundred feet in majesty on a cliff, rising sharply above the skyline of Jodhpur - the Mehrangarh Fort - in burnished red sandstone stands daunting, indomitable and yet, with an eccentric poignant magnificence that beckons. The fort, with its 68 ft wide and 117 ft high walls soaring 400 ft above the city was founded by Rao Jodha in 1459 when he shifted his capital from Mandore. The Citadel of Sun is one of the most colossal in the state of Rajasthan. This impressive fort was called "the work of Giants" by Rudyard Kipling and is recognized as the finest example of a Hindu fortress.

Explore These Forts and Their Stories

The fort has seven gates, strategically located cannons and 15 handprints which are also known as the "sati marks" of Maharaja Man Singh's widows who threw themselves upon his funeral pyre. The fort also houses many palaces that are known for their intricate carvings and extensive patio and courtyards. Phool Mahal, Sukh Mahal, and Moti Mahal are can be found in the Mehrangarh Fort.

Jaisalmer Fort:

The Jaisalmer Fort is located bang in the middle of the Thar Desert. Literally meaning, 'abode of the death', the fort is somewhat out of place given the despondency around it. Built by the ruler Rawal Jaisal, the fort which is the largest desert fort in the world has 3 solid layers of walls. The huge yellow sandstone walls are an ocher lion color during the day that magically turn to a hone-gold as the sun sets, smoke screening the fort, making it look like a part of the scenic yellow desert giving the fort the name- Golden Fort.

Explore These Forts and Their Stories

The fort encompasses Raj Mahal, Jain temples, Laxinath temple, merchant havelis and four colossal gateways.

Amber Fort:

Explore These Forts and Their Stories

The Amber fort stands tall in all its Rajput glory bringing out a perfect combination of Hindu and Muslim architecture. The fort was built by Raja Man Singh in the sixteenth century. The sprawling fort appears to grow out of the jagged hills with its impressive gates, temples, gigantic flamboyant halls, palaces, gardens and even a ramp taking you to the hilltop palace.

Explore These Forts and Their Stories

The fort is divided into four sections which are accessible via large staircases from a central location or from a pathway leading to each of the other sections.

Explore These Forts and Their Stories

Shaniwar Wada:

Explore These Forts and Their Stories

The palace fort of the Maratha Dynasty- the Shaniwar Wada Palace Fort - is situated in the heart of Pune covering six and a quarter acres. Constructed n 1732 as the seat of the Peshwa, it stayed as the political capital of the Empire till its obliteration. While the Palace was destroyed in a big fire in 1827, the mammoth structure of the walls survived the fire. An absolutely perfect example of Maratha culture and architectural design showing the influence of Mughal style and Maratha artistic style, the fort's 21 feet tall door of the palace known as Delhi Darwaza is one of the ruins of the grand old palace.

Raigad Fort:

Explore These Forts and Their Stories

Known as "the Gibraltar of the east", the Raigad fort was the unconquerable Maratha sovereign capital of the legendary King Shivaji. This hill fortress was constructed between 1657 and 1670 and is tactically balanced atop a wedge-shaped block of hill; split off from the Western Ghats and unreachable from three sides.


The fort with its broad gates and striking monuments are impressed with valor. Though most of the fort is in ruins, they inspire an aura of opulence and majesty.
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Reader's comments(1)
1: Beautiful Forts, i liked it
Posted by: Shetty - 27 Mar, 2014