In a Country Obsessed with Horns


In a Country obsessed with Horns

My bike is like a magnet, a magnet for pedestrians! All of you, who ride bikes understand what I am saying, right? I have no clue from where they come from but every time I go for a ride someone or the other will jump right in front of me, point blank and what follows will be a circus where I am trying not to hit them and they are trying to make my attempts futile. Mostly I win. Those people are supposed to walk on the roadside and not on the road. Well, in some small towns and villages there will not be enough space on the roadside, but not in cities. And they all have this strange look on their faces when a vehicle comes, like they are asking "what the heck is a vehicle doing on a road?" I understand your feelings buddy, this is a mad world.
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