Indus Civilisation Site in India under Threat of Vanishing

Rakhigari, one of the largest and oldest Indus Valley sites in the world located in Haryana along with Taxila in Pakistan are under threat of vanishing in a tide of rapid economic growth, the World Heritage Fund has warned.

Rakhigari, discovered by Indian archaeologists in 1963 is among the ten sites identified by the Fund as the most in danger of "irreparable loss and destruction," in its new report 'Asia's Heritage in peril' released last night in California.

The sites under threat include Kashgar, one of the last intact silk road sites in China, Mes Aynak, the last Buddhist ancient Monastry complex on the silk Road still standing in Afghanistan, Plain of Jars, Megalithic archaeological landscape of mysterious origins in Laos and Taxila, the former crossroads of industry in Ancient Asia in Pakistan.

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