
Kanyakumari is among the mesjestic place in Tamil Nadu Surrounded by Hills and the plains bordered by colourful sea-shores coast, so closely mingle with Temples and Churches and other edifices lies the district, 'Kanyakumari. Kanyakumari ranks first in literacy among other districts in Tamil Nadu. Although a part of Tamilnadu Kanyakumari is very near to Kerala. Kanyakumari is one among the very few places in the country where you could watch a sunrise and also a sunset sitting in the very same spot is also famous for the Kumari Amman temple.
The district has a fragrance of architecture culture and customs of neighbouring Kerala mixed with the rich deep traditions, culture and architecture of Tamil Nadu. The district has a fragrance of architecture culture and customs of neighbouring Kerala mixed with the rich deep traditions, culture and architecture of Tamil Nadu. However, for want of promotional campaign and lack of basic amenities most of the tourists coming to this district return back after seeing just Kanyakumari and Padmanabhapuram Palace.
Major tourist destinations in Kanyakumari :

Vivekanada Rock Memorial: Located in the center of the ocean, just 400 meters from Kanyakumari, is the splendid Vivekananda Rock Memorial. This massive structure was built in the year 1970, under the leadership of Shri Eknath Ranade. Vivekananda rock is more of a sacred monument dedicated to one of the most revered spiritual leaders - Swami Vivekananda.

Thiruvalluvar Statue: Adjacent to the Vivekananda rock is the magnificent statue of the legendary Tamilian philosopher- poet Thiruvalluvar, standing at an enormous 133 ft with each foot indicative of a chapter of the Thirukkural, comprising 1,130 verses on all aspects of human life. The foundation stone for the statue was laid in 1979 and the work was completed in 1999.
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