States > Rajasthan
Top Destinations in Rajasthan

Mount Abu

During the period of the Maharaja's, it was used as a place of leisure by the royalties and semi-royalties. The place presents an interesting contrast of British style bungalows and holiday lodges of the royals (Thikhana) with various tribal communities residing amidst the thick lush forest on the hills surrounding the region.

The flora and fauna enjoys the adulation of the tourist to the fullest. The highest point of the Aravali is the 'Guru Shikhar' with a vast sanctuary that shelters a number of species like langur, wild boars, Sambar, leopards and many more along with a number of flowering plants and trees, which enhance the beauty of the whole scenery.

A rich collection of monuments of different religious sects like the famous shrines of Jainism are also found here.

The tribal community of this area still maintains its pristine ways of living despite progress of the modern times.

The Delwara temple is famous for its architectural splendour. The intricate carving on the marble stone is simply mesmerizing. A cluster of Hindu temples also marks the land with their historical past.

The Brahmkumari ‘Ashram’ is another world famous religious community center.
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