Natural Wonders to See Before They Disappear

Ranthambore, Rajasthan:

Ranthambore, Rajasthan
Known as one of the best places to see tigers, Ranthambore in Rajasthan holds half of the world's population of wild tigers. With the world's population of felines falling down to as few as 3200, half of which are found in India, these far-roaming beautifully ferocious creatures may be extinct within dozens of years if extreme precautions and efforts are not undertaken. You can see that things have changed dramatically when you compare the number of tigers that lived in India in 1900 (100,000) to two centuries later. The habitats of the big cats have been reduced by a huge ninety-three percent albeit there are reserves across Asia. Most of these reserves are small and have no corridors between them. It is also said that the population of these felines reduces by one every day as they are used in traditional Chinese medicine.
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