Strangest Illegal Souvenirs of the World!

Souvenirs are one of the greatest joys of traveling - handicrafts or an unusual piece of garment hugely contributes to how we enjoy our travel experience. While we say the contents of your luggage may not be pretty exciting and there are hardly any chances of being stopped by the customs, the cherished knickknacks picked up by you could get you stopped by the Customs, especially if you've hidden monkeys in your knickers. Troublesome stuff like Cuban cigars, ancient relics and tortoise shell jewelery should stay in their place of origin as it can shoot trouble for you at the state borders. We tell you - wear, admire or consume them overseas - but don't even get the thought of bringing these knickknacks home!

Coca Tea

Strangest Illegal Souvenirs of the World!
Coca tea is prepared simply by pouring hot water over fresh coca leaves and sweetening to taste and is a must when traveling in the Andes. It's a tasty way to hydrate in the dry, thin air, and its pick-me-up properties (about as strong as a good cup of coffee) help fight altitude sickness. It's available widely and cheaply ubiquitously in the region, so you could simply get used to keeping a bag of leaves handy, but take care as certain rules takes a zero-tolerance approach to the molecules of potential cocaine inside.

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