The Best Street Markets in the World

Sonora Witchcraft market, Mexico City:

The Best Street Markets in the World

If you are tired of shopping for the same old trinkets and seeing the same old stuff being sold everywhere, head to the Mercado Sonora or the "Witches Market" - a labyrinth of ritualistic, remedy-filled booths that is collectively named the Walmart of the witch world. A definite don't miss while in Mexico, Mexicans flock the market for herbal remedies, love potions, talismans and other spiritual balms. The place is like Mexico City's own Diagon Alley!

The Best Street Markets in the World

The assortment f healing herbs, Santeria Charms, voodoo dolls, tarot-reading personalities, love potions and dries critters is confounding! While leafing through for snake blood, be reverent with your comments and camera.
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