Top 5 Expensive Restaurants in India!

Bukhara, ITC Maurya, New Delhi:

This restaurant has continued being India's finest for over a decade. Bukhara has also been recommended in the Singapore-based Miele Guide. Located at The ITC Maurya in New Delhi, it serves exceptional grills and food from north-west India and Pakistan in a "Peshawari" setting. Try the veggies, jumbo prawns or a whole shank of lamb. There is a mixed Indian platter dish that consisted of mixed meats, lentils and fresh baked bread that's named after Bill Clinton. The Sikandari raan is rightfully its most exclusive dish at Rs 1,450.

If you want to experience a more refined slice of India's Mughlai or Awadhi heritage, head to Dum Pukht, at the same hotel chain which serves sumptuous food too. Try the "Dal Makhani", if you want to indulge your taste buds in something rich and bombarded with flavor-the Dal Makhani is kept simmering for 48 hours!

Average cheque for one: Rs 4,000 (US $ 100), without wine.
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