Top 5 Uninhabited Islands of the World

Rock Islands (Chelbacheb), Palau

The Rock Islands, called Chelbacheb in the native Palauan language, are ancient relics of coral reefs that surfaced to form 250 to 300 islands in Palau's Southern Lagoon. Though it covers only a total land area of just 18 square miles (47 kms), it boasts of an abundant ecological diversity. These islands that rise up to 680 feet above sea level are heavily forested and also feature hidden lagoons and lakes which are homes to unique species.

These serene islands which are for most part uninhabited are famous for their beaches, lagoons and peculiar shapes of many of the islands. The Rock Islands are also home to the famous Jellyfish Lake, a lake with jellyfish with very weak stingers where snorkelers can safely swim.
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