Top Destinations for Medical Tourism

We all know Chennai for its beaches and Costa Rica for its pristine tropical landscape, but do you also know that both these places are the top destinations for medical tourism as well? Approximately 2 million international citizens travel abroad each year to take advantage of affordable health care service, treatments and surgeries. Believe it or not, almost every standard medical procedure is accessible overseas with a cost saving ranging from fifteen percent to a monstrous eighty five percent.

With the world's first-world population ageing fast, medical tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors in the travel and tourism industry. We put together a list of the world's top five destinations from Brazil to Turkey using quality and cost of healthcare as their criterion.

Brazil: Brazil could be stated as an international Mecca for cosmetic treatment and plastic surgeries. The land of beaches and bikinis also houses the highest per capita number of practicing cosmetic doctors in the world. Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are not the only places attracting tourists to Brazil, smaller cities like Porto Alegere and Santos are contributing too. Cosmetic procedures like tummy tucks, augmentations, face lifts and rhinoplasty are the main reasons attracting medical tourists.

Hungary: The ecological paradise, known for its mineral springs, lakes, baths and spas is now being known for the number of dentists in the country. Hungary has more dentists per capita than any other country. Not just big cities like Budapest, but a small town like Mosonmagyarovar, near the Austrian border, has 160 dental offices as well. Many tourists from Europe prefer these small towns for major dental care, full mouth restorations, implants and cosmetic oral surgeries.

Costa Rica: Call it the land of volcanoes or an ecological haven Costa Rica attracts nearly fifteen percent of international tourists mainly for cosmetic surgery and dental care. Costa Rica is one of the main medical tourism destinations for Americans. San Jose and its surrounding areas house more than hundreds of board certified doctors, surgeons and dentists.

India: Known as the land of yoga and colour, it now attracts Americans to travel here for cardiac and orthopedic procedures than for all the pther treatments combined. Top private hospitals are offered by India, especially in metros like Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. As astonishing as it sounds, medical travel in India is growing at thirty percent a year, thanks to those seeking expensive orthopedic and cardiac surgeries which often costs tens of thousands of dollars less in India than in their native countries.

Panama: While Panama is not on the top of most people's list for normal vacations, Panama is another global leader in the world of Medical tourism. Panama includes the very best medical tourism destinations providing forty to fifty percent reduced costs as compared with the price for similar operations offered elsewhere. The main reason that Panama attracts so many visitors is because most of the doctors in Panama are trained abroad and for the fact that the U.S. Dollar is also used as the official currency, so there is no messy exchanging of money.
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