Travelers Beware: 5 Common Travel Scams

Motorbike Scams

There are usually two common motorbikes cons that happen.

Con1- Living your dream of riding around the countryside turns into a nightmare when the hired bike breaks down or you have an accident. The owner quickly takes you and the damaged bike (which does not look like it is in that bad state) to the repair joint of their choice where the mechanic makes a huge overinflated estimate of the damage costs. You are forced to shell out the amount as the owner insists you to cover the costs or no customers would rent his bike or else.
You have just creased their pockets with more cash than they probably earn in a month. So before you start, take pictures of the bikes with the people renting it out in them. Ruling out the possibility of them blaming you for imaginary damage. Do not rent bikes from companies that are connected to hotels or guest houses.

Con2- Hired and rented bikes usually come with a lock and two keys. Of which you have one and the rental company has the other. When you park the scooter and stroll away, an inventive person from the company "steals" your scooter. You are compelled to pay for them as you handed them your passport and signed a contract.

What you could do to help yourself from the scam is carry your own lock and key and always carry an old passport or a copy of your current passport to avoid getting sucked into the scam.
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