Travelers Beware: 5 Common Travel Scams

Gem or carpet Deals

Sometimes overenthusiastic taxi or rickshaw drivers prompt you to enter a store and you are offered a deal so unbelievably rewarding that reusing it seems unthinkable. But think again- those gems and carpets may not even make it home or would be worthless. Look for licensed and legitimate dealers instead who for sure would not act like this.

It is sensible to stay guarded at all times. The most likely time you will get scammed is within the first 24 hours you land in a new place. It is usually because you do not know how anything works, you have not made friends with any tourists or locals who can warn you, and maybe you are just tired from a long journey.

Read the "Safety" section of a guidebook before advent. Innumerable travelers have fallen prey to rip offs that could have been easily avoided if they had checked up on the local con games first. If you begin the contact with a local or a traveler, it is usually fine. However, when someone else makes the first move, it's better to be careful. Getting tricked can be so frustrating at times that it can be easy to blame the whole country for what went wrong. Try to keep a cool head, getting angry only worsens the situation.
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