10 Oldest Cities of the World

3.Kirkuk, Iraq (3000 B.C.

Kirkuk is a city in Iraq, which is the capital of Kirkuk Governorate and it contains many archaeological remains such as Qal'at Jarmo and Yorgan Tepe, which are more than 5000 years old. The ministry of culture named it as the 'capital of Iraqi culture' in the year 2010.The inhabitants of Kirkuk includes Kurds, Arabs, Iraqi Turkmens and few Assyrians.
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Reader's comments(4)
1: Title is certainly wrong. It is true that Jeruslem is one of the oldest cities apart from Rome.
Even one city from China is there. What about cities from Grece? Athens? Consider the times of Alexander and Asoka. Why not Patna, capital of Asoka? What happened to Hastinaput (Delhi)
Posted by: rkp - 03 Jul, 2012
2: I do agree!
Dev replied to: rkp post - 14 Jul, 2012
3: Title is certainly wrong. It is true that Jeruslem is one of the oldest cities apart from Rome.
Even one city from China is there. What about cities from Grece? Athens? Consider the times of Alexander and Asoka. Why not Patna, capital of Asoka? What happened to Hastinaput (Delhi)
Posted by: rkp - 03 Jul, 2012
4: oh....coool
Posted by: parvana - 29 Jun, 2012