10 Oldest Cities of the World

6. Giza, Egypt (before 2568 B.C.)

Giza is the third largest city in Egypt, which is located on the west bank of the Nile River. Giza is more popular as the location of the Giza Plateau, a complex which consists of some of the most striking ancient monuments of the world such as Great Sphinx, the Great Pyramid of Giza and many more pyramids and temples as well.
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Reader's comments(4)
1: Title is certainly wrong. It is true that Jeruslem is one of the oldest cities apart from Rome.
Even one city from China is there. What about cities from Grece? Athens? Consider the times of Alexander and Asoka. Why not Patna, capital of Asoka? What happened to Hastinaput (Delhi)
Posted by: rkp - 03 Jul, 2012
2: I do agree!
Dev replied to: rkp post - 14 Jul, 2012
3: Title is certainly wrong. It is true that Jeruslem is one of the oldest cities apart from Rome.
Even one city from China is there. What about cities from Grece? Athens? Consider the times of Alexander and Asoka. Why not Patna, capital of Asoka? What happened to Hastinaput (Delhi)
Posted by: rkp - 03 Jul, 2012
4: oh....coool
Posted by: parvana - 29 Jun, 2012