5 popular Buddhist Monasteries in Northern India

Buddhist Monasteries
Phuktal Monastery, Zanskar
An amazingly built monastery of Cliffside, which additionally resembles a honeycomb and a remarkable Religious community on the facing of a yawning gulch, the Phuktal Cloister lies in the Zanskar district of Jammu and Kashmir.

The managerial focus, Padum is the adjoining town. The mouth of a colossal gives in down into the side of a bluff the cloister was established by Gangsem Sherap Sampo in the in the early hours of the twelfth century.

The monastery is an exceptional edifice built into the cave where during the monsoon season, water decants from the mouth of the cave and the finest condition monasteries encompass more than 50 monks. The canyon monastery of Zanskar has a documentation and entreaty rooms where its sandstone capsule reminds of Alexander Csoma de Koros, the biographer of the primary English Tibetan dictionary who discovered Ladakh and stopover in 1826 to 1827.
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