Most Wonderful Sightseeing Places in Northeast India
Sandwiched between the powerful Himalayan foothills and the level of Meghalaya, the finger like structure, the north eastern state of Mizoram scene is hitting and fluctuated with thick bamboo wildernesses, plunging chasms, streams and lavish paddy fields.
The hilly state, Mizoram is known as the
Blue Mountains because of the pleasant magnificence where their fascinating area is considered as an unending collection of Panorama. An ideal place for nature lovers, the state is one of the richest verdures.
Among the wonderful sightseeing in Mizoram, the most elevated mountain top and the slopes which is well known or the acclaimed for orchids and rhododendrons, the
Phawngpui top has awesome trees and blooms all types of flora and fauna with diversified colors which offer a fairytale perspective of the blue hazed slopes and vales. On the other side, Mizoram festivals provide a good dose of culture; especially Chapchar Kut is one of the most popular.

Tourist Attractions Places ( 1-5 of 10 )