Most Wonderful Sightseeing Places in Shimla

Places in Shimla
Summer Hill
Former residence of Mahatma Gandhi, the hill station that considered as the outskirt small town, lies 5 km west to the Shimla Ridge and measured as a piece of the seven-slope bunch, Summer Hills lies 2,123 meters above ocean level.

Enclosed by the pine and deodar laden slopes, the small hill town is being a popular tourist destination, today. This charming spot is famous for its university of Himachal Pradesh that is located in the Summer Hill.
Blissfully quiet, midst rhododendron forests and pine trees, the green meadows and natural scenery of the Summer Hills, the splendid views of the snow covered mountain terrains are simply mesmerizing and unforgettable.
Endless strolls along mountain tracks, watching the sunset and its old-fashioned local railway station & “toy train”. Its chronicled structures such as the Viceregal Lodge and Amrita Sher Gill’s house, the Georgian House of Raj Kumari Amrit Kaur is standing embellished with wonderful building design.
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