Over 3 Quarters of Indian Travellers Expect to Spend More on Travel in 2013
The results of the TripBarometer reveal that travel review websites have the biggest influence on travellers' decisions when choosing a hotel: 93 percent of travellers indicated that other people's reviews and opinions on travel review websites have influenced their decision to book accommodations for their last trip. Not surprisingly, a majority (96 percent) of accommodations globally perceived online reviews are of crucial importance for generating booking.
"The TripBarometer has revealed useful insights into what global travellers are planning and shone a light on the areas where accommodation providers can do more to meet guests' expectations," said Christine Petersen, President, TripAdvisor for Business. "With travellers choosing digital channels for their travel planning and research, traditional word of mouth has been amplified and online booking has become the norm across the globe. Furthermore, as business optimism and travel budgets increase across Asia, it seems likely that hospitality businesses in the region will benefit from this positive sentiment.

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