Top 5 Restaurants in Chennai
Murugan Idly Shop
It specializes in Idli. The chain has twelve restaurants in Chennai, three restaurants in Madurai and three in Singapore.It is founded by Thiru. Murugan former IIM student started as "Murugan Coffee Nilayam". 15 Years ago, Murugan Idli was established. The taste of Murugan Idly still lingers in the tongue of people who belong to Madurai. For Chennaites, Murugan Idly shop is heaven! Murugan Idly shop is famous for its uniqueness and has become the favorite place to enjoy hot Idlies and
Dosas.Murugan idli shop is considered among the best to taste South Indian dishes. Idly, Dosai and Meals are enjoying the prominent positions among the menu of a south Indian.
Welcome to feel your GrandmaâÂÂs own taste.The taste of dishes from Murugan Idli shop is there in the tongues of each one from Madurai for last long 15 years. Few years ago Murugan Idli shop was a new one for Chennaites. But in a short span we proved our uniqueness and became the favourite destination to taste Idly and Dosai.
Timings: 7:00 AM to 11:30 PM.
Address: 81 Syed Alwi Rd, Singapore 207660

Tourist Attractions Places ( 1-5 of 10 )