10 Stunning Roads for a Lifetime Drive
9. Red Rock Scenic Road - U.S.A
The Red Rock Scenic Road is often called as the "museum without walls" and when you are on this road its name becomes clearer to you. The road wind through Sedona's Red Rock Country and provides a breathtaking view of beautiful red rocks which elites your soul inspiring your life.
On this road trip on Red Rock Scenic byway you will also come across Montezuma Castle National Monument and the naturally blessed Coconino National Forest which makes you come closer to Mother Nature.
8. Iroha-Zaka - Japan
This winding road of Japan interlinks central Nikko and Oku-Nikko. Those 48 curves on the road looks deadly, but they are thrilling and glorious to drive through. Actually this magnificent Iroha-zaka byway is made of two roads, one to come down and another to go up and they both have 48 curves.
Each bend of the 48 curves in this road is matched with 48 letters of the ancient Japanese alphabet, starting in alphabetical order from I-ro-ha which also gave this road's name.

Tourist Attractions Places ( 1-5 of 10 )