7 Amazing Floating Attractions In The World
2. The Floating Stadium
Have you ever imagined about a football stadium floating on water? If yes then Singapore is the best place to visit as it has a floating stadium on the Marina Bay and it is used for the most diverse purposes of any of the attractions on our list.
The stadium, 120 by 83 meter platform hosts football games, concerts, exhibitions and many cultural performances.
The platform is made entirely out of steel and has the capacity to seat 30,000 people. It was originally created as a temporary venue while the Singapore National Stadium was demolished and replaced. From 2007 through 2011 the stadium was used for the Singapore National Day Parade and other national events.
3. The Badeschiff Floating Swimming Pool
One after the other attractions in this list are just breathtaking and next on this list is a floating swimming pool! Can you just believe it! It is none other than the Badeschiff Floating Swimming Pool here, the German word Badeschiff, means "bathing ship". This pool was created in 2004, and was made out of an old barge, and can be found every summer in Berlin's Spree River.
After it was discovered that the Spree was too polluted to swim in, the Badeschiff was created as an alternative swimming location. This pool doesn't move around. Instead, it's connected to an old industrial complex that was reinvigorated through decades of redesign by art collectives and other organizations.

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